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Death Notice

Margaret Musker (née Shuttleworth)

Published on 27/11/2024

Margaret Musker  (née Shuttleworth)
Margaret Musker, nee Shuttleworth, went peacefully to sleep on November 19th, 2024, at Wigan Infirmary. Beloved wife to John, loving Aunty and Great-Aunty, and friend to many in Leigh, Golborne, and beyond. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her as she reunites with her husband after a separation of two years. The funeral service will take place on Friday, 6th December 2024 at Howe Bridge Crematorium at 3.00pm. A small wake for family and friends will take place at The Talbot, Gadbury Fold, Atherton, from 4.15pm. All enquiries: Pennington Funeral Care, St. Helen’s Road, Leigh, 01942 269555.


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