A JUDGE has jailed a man who twice went on drunken rampages while grieving for his late father and then the family dog.

Karl Hughes, 34, turned up on the doorstep of friend Liam Harrison, ranting incomprehensibly, Bolton Crown Court was told.

Hughes grabbed Mr Harrison around the throat at one point and also threatened to smash his windows before bring escorted out, the court heard.

Prosecutor Michael Knowles said Hughes turned up later that day at the home of another friend, Georgina Shaw, demanding that someone call him a taxi. In a frightening incident, the court heard, Hughes placed her dog in a headlock at one point before slapping Ms Shaw in the face and kicking her in the thigh.

Mr Knowles said Hughes was also responsible for an attack on Jordan Bourne, assistant manager at the McDonald's in Atherton, who was punched repeatedly as he tried to eject the defendant from the restaurant.

Customers came to his aid but Hughes punched one, Bethany Derby, to the face then launched a Covid screen at her forehead.

Hughes, of West Bank Street, Atherton, admitted to affray, three assaults and threatening to damage property. He was jailed for 16 months.

Neil Ronan, defending said his client, who had turned to drink and diazepam while grieving for the loss firstly of his father then the family Jack Russell, was "mortified" over his behaviour.

The court heard he was now the sole carer for his widowed mother.

Jailing him, Judge Graeme Smith said: "This was appalling and unacceptable behaviour."