A special service was held to remember four members of a Blackburn school.

Families, friends and staff gathered at Blackburn Central High School’s Memorial Garden to remember Dylan Weir, Alison Turner, Aya Hachem and Maryam Ishtiaq. 

The service opened with words from Headteacher, Shanaz Hussain, with contributions from Father Bob Hayes and Imam Mawlana Tayyab and Alison’s colleague, David Woodhouse.

Also in attendance was Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Councillor Derek Hardman, Councillor Tony Humphreys Chair of the Board of Governors and Derek Elliott, Vice Chair of the Board of Governors.

Leigh Journal:

Dylan Weir was described as 'a very special part of the school family' when he was suddenly taken at home aged only 12. His peers remember his as ‘bright, kind and funny.’

Leigh Journal:

Alison Turner was a colleague and friend who worked at Blackburn Central High School for 7 years. Alison was said to have 'touched the heart of so many students' and her colleagues described her as ‘a natural in the kitchen, who would brighten any room.’

Aya Hachem left Blackburn Central High School in 2016 with a very bright future ahead of her. Aya was studying Law at Salford University. Her family described her as a ‘beautiful girl with a warm laugh.’

Aya was tragically murdered in May 2020.

Leigh Journal:

Maryam was a respected member of the Blackburn Central High School family. Many saw Maryam as more than just a friend, Maryam was often described as a loyal sister.

Headteacher Mrs Shanaz Hussain said: “It was a beautiful service that celebrated and remembered the lives of four very special members of our Blackburn Central family. It warmed my heart to hear our students and staff share so many wonderful stories.”