SPINNING Gate Shopping Centre has been recognised in an international awards ceremony for its environmental achievements over the past year.

Taking place at the Houses of Parliament, the Green Apple Awards shine a light on businesses and organisations that promote environmental best practice around the world.

Competing against hundreds of other nominees, Leigh's town centre shopping complex won the Gold Award for its huge reduction of waste over the past five years.

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Leigh Journal: Spinning Gate were recognised for dramatically cutting wasteSpinning Gate were recognised for dramatically cutting waste (Image: Spinning Gate)

Along with waste management partner, B&M Waste Services, the centre has reduced the total volume of waste it produces by 53% since 2017.

This is a huge reduction of 50,190kg, with 100% of waste diverted from landfill for the fifth consecutive year.

Spinning Gate was also recognised for cutting its energy emissions by 15% from the previous year, as well as its numerous environmental and community-focused initiatives.

Over the past year, the centre has donated 1,247 diaries, 607 books, 84 cartons of milk, 78 balls of wool, 452 puzzles, 15 bath togs and five microwaves to local charities.

They also recycled more than 720kg of waste during the last 12 months.

Leigh Journal: The awards recognise environmental best practiceThe awards recognise environmental best practice (Image: Spinning Gate)

Karen Cox, Centre Manager of Spinning Gate Shopping Centre said: "What an incredible achievement for the centre, to achieve gold in these internationally recognised awards!

"All credit goes to the centre team who have once again worked so hard to ensure recycling is maximised and waste is minimised whilst helping support charities and our local community too."

Leigh's MP James Grundy was also present at the awards in the Houses of Parliament to show his support for his constituency's shopping centre.

Mr Grundy commented: "It was amazing to have attended the Green Apple Awards ceremony and see representatives of the Spinning Gate Shopping Centre's team receive these outstanding awards.

"On behalf of the many local residents who shop there frequently, myself included, I wish to express my congratulations to Karen and her team for their continued outstanding work both environmentally and with our local community."

Leigh Journal: Spinning Gate Shopping CentreSpinning Gate Shopping Centre (Image: Google Images)


Spinning Gate Shopping Centre, in the centre of Leigh, offers a selection of high street names and independent stores & cafes, with free weekend parking and free weekday car parking after 3pm on the shopper car park.