A hero dad who ran into a burning house to save his son has been buried with his little boy so he could ''forever hold him in his arms'.

Brave Barry Mason, 45, tragically lost his life after he raced into a blazing terraced property to rescue his son Ethan, four, on April 14.

Ethan was rushed to hospital after the fire broke out in Wigan, where he was placed in an induced coma but he died on April 16.

The pair were laid to rest together and the youngster's aunt Jessica Causer says they have been buried in the same coffin, cuddling each other.

She said: "Barry and Ethan were put to rest together with Barry forever holding Ethan in his arms."

A Go Fund Me page, that's raised over £60,000, was set up to support the family and people have paid tribute to the 'amazing' father and son duo on there.

Leigh Journal: Ethan Mason.

One touching message read: "No family should ever have to go through this.

"I know no words can make a difference and no amount of money/help can mend your hearts.

"Hopefully these donations from well wishers all over may ever so slightly help to ease at least some of your financial worries during your heartbreak.

"Sending you all so much love and strength to get through these heartbreaking times."

Another person commented: "Our heart-felt sympathy to all the family for your huge loss of your brave husband and beautiful baby boy."

Leigh Journal: Fire at a house in Wigan

Someone else wrote: "God bless you all, there are no words for this tragedy.

"I'm so sorry, sleep in eternal peace Ethan and Barry."

Another heartbreaking message read: "I only hope I’d be as brave as this amazing dad if the worst happened.

"RIP you hero and I’m sure your family will be so proud of your bravery. RIP little man."

You can support the Go Fund Me page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/7n6ybs-barry-mason