AN 85-YEAR-OLD army veteran has leaped out of a plane at 15,000ft to help his beloved brass band head to the national championships.

Brian Pennington is ‘Golborne born and bred’ and other than serving three years national service in the army, has spent from the age of 14 with Golborne Brass Band, playing the trumpet, cornet and flugel horn.

Proud of all the group’s achievements, including reaching the National Brass Band contest in Cheltenham in September for the second year, Brain wanted to help the band get there as the cost of the hotel and coaches was priced up as ‘quite substantial’.

(Image: Brian with the instructor and guide)

He said: “I did a skydive for Wigan and leigh Hospice when I was 80 and I absolutely loved it so thought for my 85th birthday on Saturday I’d do it for the band and raise money to help them get to Cheltenham.

“At my age I am not able to run half marathons or walk twenty miles to raise money. However, it's fairly simple to get into a plane go to 15,000 feet and jump out and let gravity do the rest.

Brian during his skydiveBrian during his skydive (Image: Brian during his skydive)

“It was such a thrill getting to do it yesterday – which was delayed abit due to problems with the plane hence happening yesterday instead of Saturday, but I’m glad I did it.

“You could skydive 10 times and never get tired of that feeling. I just hope I raise enough to help the band get to the championships; they deserve it.”

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