TWO police officers’ quick-thinking helped save a man’s life after he was seriously injured during a fight involving a machete.

Response officers’ PC Ellen Fazackerley and PC Rebecca Hamer, who are based in Leigh, were called to the incident in January this year.

It had been reported numerous people had been fighting and that a machete was involved.

PC Hamer was first at the scene, where there were two seriously injured men inside a house with a smashed window and bloodied walls, furniture and floor.

Remaining calm, PC Hamer spoke to both men and requested an urgent ambulance due to the heavy blood loss.

One man was bleeding heavily from a wound in his leg and a second man had a deep cut to his hand and also needed urgent medical attention.

Without hesitation the officers administered life-saving treatment by applying a torniquet to the man’s leg.

PC Hamer said: “Initially when I arrived at the scene, the street was quiet with no one around and something didn’t seem right.

"I then saw a man from a distance slightly lift his arm and so I went over to him. This is where I saw the windows had been smashed and there were three men there – one of whom had been injured.

“The men told me the offenders had left the scene and I raised a call for an ambulance due to the bleeding coming from the injured man’s hand.

"I then asked who else was in the address, which is when I was told a friend of theirs was in a ‘bad way’ in the living room.

“There was blood all over the floor, walls, and furniture. The second injured man was on the couch and had a wound to his leg and a slash wound down his chest – he had heavy blood loss and required urgent medical attention.”

PC Fazackerley recalled: “When I arrived, I immediately got the first aid kit out of my car and one out of the other officer’s car due to there being more than one causality.

“I went into a house where there was a male losing blood from his leg wound covered by his jacket. I took a pressure bandage out of the first aid kit and applied it as I didn’t want to risk the flow of blood getting worse.

“I applied pressure to the wound as it was still bleeding through the jacket, but this wasn’t enough so that’s where I made the decision to apply the tourniquet - it was my first time doing this out in the field, but I felt confident doing it due to the good first aid training we get.”

The incident was one of 15,000 calls that the Wigan district alone received last year.

The life-saving actions of both officers have now been recognised with an internal GMP award.

Superintendent Danny O’Neil said: “After speaking with the Air Ambulance doctor, the actions of Rebecca and Ellen saved a life at this incident and it is right they’ve been recognised for their tenacity, courage and decision-making.

“The scene was chaotic and they were presented with a male with a significant injury from a machete strike. Both of them switched on and provided first aid to the casualty.

“The officers are a credit to the Wigan District and policing as whole for their actions.

“The officers had no idea what they going to encounter on their arrival. They acted with bravery and without fear – demonstrating the very best of what response policing is.”

PC Hamer’s been on the frontline since March 2020. She said: “Response policing really is different everyday. You have no idea what you’re coming into from one day to the next. It is challenging but also very rewarding.

“We have a team that works together so well. It really is the team that get you through the tough days – their back up and support really does make all of the difference.

PC Fazackerley, who joined GMP in May 2022, added: “I could not speak more highly of my team and the wonderful people they are.

“They go above and beyond to help each other out and have been beyond supportive whenever one of us has a wobble. They are the reason I am proud to be a police officer.”

Supt O’Neil added: “My response officers demonstrate the highest levels of commitment and bravery day in, day out, going to help people in their time of need.

“Their selfless acts, often disregarding their own safety, for the wider public is often classed as normal by them such is the frequency of the do it.

“It is only right that we take the time to appreciate the critical role these officers undertake 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”