THE Liberal Democrats' candidate for Leigh and Atherton in the general election has set out the issue he is prioritising in his campaign.

Stuart Thomas, who is standing for the Lib Dems to contest the seat, has made his pledges to voters ahead of the July 4 election. 

Mr Thomas cited the "sewage dumping scandal", the NHS and GP services among the priorities of his campaign to the constituency's MP.

He said: "If I am elected, I will campaign to end the sewage dumping scandal that has plagued our waterways.

"The people of Leigh and Atherton deserve clean, safe rivers and lakes. I will hold the government and water companies accountable and push for stringent regulations to prevent further environmental damage, ensuring our natural resources are protected for future generations."

Mr Thomas is standing for the Liberal DemocratsMr Thomas is standing for the Liberal Democrats (Image: PA)

Mr Thomas added: "Furthermore, if elected, I will campaign to fight for a fair deal for our NHS.

"Our healthcare workers deserve proper funding, resources, and support to continue providing excellent care.

"I will advocate for increased investment in our hospitals and medical facilities, ensuring that they are equipped to meet the needs of our growing population."

READ > General election candidates confirmed for borough's seats

He also said: "Finally, if elected, I will campaign for better access to GP and dental services in Leigh and Atherton.

"Too many residents struggle to get timely appointments, impacting their health and well-being.

"I will campaign to increase the number of healthcare professionals in our area, reduce waiting times, and improve the overall accessibility of essential medical and dental care for all.