THE Greens' candidate for Leigh and Atherton said she would "push for a fairer society and climate justice".

Amelia Jones, who is a Students’ Union support officer, is standing for the party to contest the seat in the general election.

She grew up in Tyldesley and has lived in the North West for more than 20 years.

She said: “After studying Earth Science at university, I realise that we already know what steps are needed to alleviate the climate crisis. 

"Yet governments lack the political will to do them. I am standing as a candidate to offer people in Leigh and Atherton the chance to vote for someone who is not afraid to challenge the status quo and support people and planet over profit.”

Amelia added: "As the Green prospective parliamentary candidate for Leigh and Atherton, I am offering you the chance to vote for real hope and real change. I have spent most of my life living in Tyldesley and I believe that Leigh and Atherton deserves an MP who will push for a fairer society and for climate justice.

"A vote for the Green Party is a vote for: protecting the NHS, improving worker and renter rights, and advocating for marginalised communities.

"Having a Green MP in power means there is someone who will challenge the status quo. For a fairer and more compassionate approach to politics, vote for the Green Party."

Meanwhile, Maria Deery is standing in Makerfield for the Greens. 

She has been committed to improving public services for the most vulnerable through her history of work for both mental health and disability charities. She has worked closely with the Young Greens to promote political education and get young people interested in politics.

The Greens said she "would be a fresh voice in Parliament dedicated to keeping the government accountable".

It is the first time that the Greens have stood candidates in all 3 constituencies in the Wigan area.

This election is the first the Greens have candidates in all three Wigan borough constituencies with Jane Leicester standing for the Wigan seat.

Commenting on this, Peter Jacobs, Wigan and Leigh Green Party co-ordinator, said: “I am delighted we are able to give all the people of Wigan and Leigh the chance to vote Green. 

"This gives them the opportunity to vote for a truly progressive party.  One that stands for a fairer greener country.” 

He added: “We hope to build on our successes in the recent council elections, where we stood a record number of candidates and increased our share of the vote.”