TOWN hall planners in Wigan have been notified of plans to erect a 50ft high telecommunications mast on a grass verge in Atherton.

Considered by many to be a blot on the landscape, the poles are exempt from the usual planning requirements due to the previous government's commitment to installing fibre-optic broadband across the country as quickly as possible.

This means that although the masts can be controversial, there is no requirement for the company IX Wireless Ltd, based in Blackburn, to seek planning approval from the council.

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Where the proposed mast will be erected on Hillside AvenueWhere the proposed mast will be erected on Hillside Avenue (Image: LDRS)
The steel pole will support fibre cables and radio antenna and there will a cabinet housing electronic communications will be sited on Hillside Avenue.

A planning statement submitted to Wigan’s planning portal by IX says: “Ensuring the wide availability of high-speed gigabit capable broadband is a central part of the government’s national infrastructure strategy.

“Both the government and OFCOM recognise the significant commercial and social benefits to improved telecommunications infrastructure and the government has set a target that at least 85 per cent of the UK will have a gigabit-capable broadband connection available by 2025 and at least 99pc by 2030.”

IX says 20pc of its network bandwidth capacity is intended for use in relation to digital social inclusion initiatives.