A CRACKDOWN has begun to deal with the problem of the illegal use of off road motorcycles in the Westleigh area.

With school holidays approaching Police and local authority officers aim to send out a clear message that riders caught bikes illegally will be prosecuted for any road traffic offences and risk having the bikes seized and crushed.

PC Michelle Milser who is leading the operation said: "We will take positive action on people braking the law and causing nuisance.

"In addition to the dangers for riders and members of the public, the offenders are likely to be prosecuted for no insurance, driving licences, no helmets and risk having their bikes confiscated and crushed."

In the past fortnight two bikes were seized in the Lawson Avenue area and crushed and Police warn the purge will continue throughout the summer.

PC Milser said: "I have since spoken to residents in the area and the seizures have already had an impact bringing peace and quiet back to the community.

"We are determined to clamp down on these problems, this successful operation should serve as a severe warning to people thinking of riding illegally here or anywhere else."