ASTLEY & Tyldesley Cycle Speedway Club riders have bagged significant successes with England.

Emily Burgess secured the silver medal in the ICSF European Women's Individual Cycle Speedway Final at Torun in Poland.

She was narrowly beaten by the world champion, Poland's Zuzia Klett, in a run-off for the title, after four riders tied on 17 points.

On the previous day, Burgess and her A&T teammate John White won gold medals as members of the England teams, which won the women's and Junior Nations Cup finals respectively.

A&T's Steve Harris was a member of the England team which took silver in the Veterans Nations Cup.

Watch the run-off for the European Women's Individual Final, it's the last race of the match starting at the 1hr 27mins 31secs point of the video and Emily Burgess is in the green jersey with A&T on the chest: